
Gluon is a static, type inferred and embeddabble language written in Rust.

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let de @ { Deserialize, ? } = import!
let ser @ { Serialize, ? } = import! std.json.ser
let { Result, ? } = import! std.result

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
type Vec = { x : Float, y : Float, name : Option String }

let result =
    let input = r#"{ "x": 123, "y": 456.78, "name": null }"#
    do v = de.deserialize input
    let v : Vec = v
    let updated = { x = v.x, y = v.y, name = Some "Vector" }
    ser.to_string_pretty updated

match result with
| Ok s -> s
| Err err -> err
