
Functionality for ordering and comparison.


type Eq a = { (==) : a -> a -> Bool }

Eq a defines equality (==) on a

type Bool = 
    | False
    | True

Bool represents a value which can only be True or False

type Ord a = { eq : Eq a, compare : a -> a -> Ordering }

Ord a defines an ordering on a

type Ordering = 
    | LT
    | EQ
    | GT

Ordering represents the result of comparing two values


#[infix(left, 4)]
let == ?eq : forall a . [Eq a] -> a -> a -> Bool

Tests whether the values are equal.

#[infix(left, 4)]
let /= ?eq l r : forall a . [Eq a] -> a -> a -> Bool

Tests whether the values are not equal.

let compare ?ord : forall a . [Ord a] -> a -> a -> Ordering

Compares two values and returns wheter the first is less than, equal or greater than the second.

#[infix(left, 4)]
let < l r : forall a . [Ord a] -> a -> a -> Bool

Returns whether l is less than r.

#[infix(left, 4)]
let <= l r : forall a . [Ord a] -> a -> a -> Bool

Returns whether l is less than or equal to r.

#[infix(left, 4)]
let >= l r : forall a . [Ord a] -> a -> a -> Bool

Returns whether l is greater than or equal to r.

#[infix(left, 4)]
let > l r : forall a . [Ord a] -> a -> a -> Bool

Returns whether l is greater than r.

let min l r : forall a . [Ord a] -> a -> a -> a

let max l r : forall a . [Ord a] -> a -> a -> a

let semigroup : Semigroup Ordering

Semigroup a represents an associative operation on a. This means the following laws must hold:

  • forall x . append x (append y z) == append (append x y) z

let monoid : Monoid Ordering

Monoid a represents an semigroup an which has an identity. This means the following additional laws must hold:

  • forall x . append x empty == x
  • forall x . append empty x == x